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Five Unknown Facts About Power BI That Create Project Risk
As one of the most popular business intelligence (BI) solutions on the market for Microsoft Dynamics, Power BI has built a reputation of providing high value visual analysis, centralized data…
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Five Unknown Facts About Power BI That Create Project Risk
As one of the most popular business intelligence (BI) solutions on the market for Microsoft Dynamics, Power BI has built a reputation of providing high value visual analysis, centralized data management, and scalability at a global level. The technology behind Power BI is sophisticated and can deliver on its promise, but what many IT and business decision makers come to learn (sometimes well into a Power BI project) is that it’s not always the easy-to-use, dynamic tool they’d hoped it was.
To help you avoid adoption failure and unnecessary risks during your Power BI implementation, we have compiled some essential information about Power BI and how you can prepare for it. In this whitepaper, you will learn:
- Five unknown facts about Power BI
- How they introduce risk to your BI implementation
- Ways to overcome these challenges
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