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University of Tennessee Medical Center Trim More Than 30% from Previous Reporting Process

Spreadsheet Server freed up time that would have otherwise been tied up in manual data entry and improved efficiency and accuracy in financial reporting.



  • Accessing applicable data
  • Rekeying data from the ERP system into spreadsheets
  • Manual, multi-step reporting processes
  • Creating reports in a timely manner
  • A lack of data accuracy and/or validity
  • Combining/consolidating GL and non-GL data from core systems and other database sources.


Evaluated a reporting tool packaged with ERP before selecting Spreadsheet Server.

  • Uses Spreadsheet Server QueryDesigner’s functionality for Financials/GL.
  • Freed up more than 25% of their organization’s IT support now that they have Spreadsheet Server to create reports.
  • Trimmed more than 30% from their previous reporting process after using Spreadsheet Server.

"Spreadsheet Server has been a tremendous asset for our organization, freeing up much time that would have otherwise been tied up in manual, cumbersome data entry. It has improved our efficiency and accuracy in much of our financial reporting."

Brian Inman Accounting Director

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