Business Intelligence og rapporteringsløsninger, der hjælper dig med at lukke ordrer og levere hurtigt
Jet Reports giver dig mulighed for, at kunne levere hurtige og fleksible rapporterings- og forretningsanalyseløsninger, som er kost-effektive, giver hurtig time-to-value og som er bygget specifikt til Microsoft Dynamics-brugeres behov.
Connect to a Winning Partnership
Improved Profitability
- Access to a user base of more than 150,000 customers
- Exclusive partner programs and rebates for better margins
- Service opportunities to expand your revenue
Competitive Advantage
- Associate your organization with the global leader in ERP/EPM reporting solutions
- Open new buying centers, with new use cases with integration into 130+ ERP/EPM platforms
- Become the trusted partner for reporting, visualization, analytics, and business planning
Accelerated Sales
- Upsell opportunities with satisfied existing customer base
- Inclusion in lead generation, co-marketing, and digital marketing campaigns
- Built-in training and marketing support
Partner Eco-System
Our program includes three types of partnerships: reseller, ERP, and strategic partners. Whichever works best for you and your business, we'll connect you with the resources you need to be successful.
Reseller Partners
- Reseller channel markets, sells, supports, and contracts with end users and is eligible to participate in our partner program
- We partner with you to strategize and develop successful sales and marketing campaigns
- We provide training and support to ensure you are as confident in insightsoftware products as we are
ERP Partners
- Software publishers market, sell, support, and contract with end users
- We partner with you to identify new markets and growth opportunities
- We provide content, incentives, and training
Strategic Partners
- Ecosystem partners refer, influence, and implement software solutions
- We partner with you to deploy enterprise solutions that meet mission-critical objectives in a variety of key verticals
- We provide strategic marketing materials and best-in-class support to help meet the needs of your customers